Case Study

Turnaround & Shutdown Support

Turnaround & Shutdown Support

Turnaround & Shutdown Support


The decisions made before and during a turnaround window are critical with regards to whether an outage will be completed on time and within budget.  Perhaps even more importantly, these decisions can drastically affect the long-term reliability of the equipment during the next planned operational run.


Plan ahead and establish go/no-go criteria in advance of the outage for critical equipment items that are known to be bad actors and/or are known to pose a risk to critical path in the shutdown schedule. Establish a turnaround problem-solving team that is experienced in damage mechanism identification, Fitness-For-Service assessments, and equipment repairs.  The problem-solving team can be comprised of all onsite personnel or a combination of onsite and remote personnel.


  • Save engineering, inspection, and maintenance time, cost, and resources by employing FFS technology proactively to establish go/no-go criteria for critical equipment items in advance of the outage.
  • Save time and cost by using FFS technology reactively to justify remaining life of equipment without repair or using FFS to minimize repairs when damage is found.
  • Reduce the chance for turnaround extensions and the associated increase in lost production time.
  • Prevent unplanned failures during the next operational run.

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